Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fine Motor Skills Mania!

Activities with Fine Motor Manipulatives

Pre-kindergarteners benefit from experiences that support the development of fine motor skills in the hands and fingers. Children should have strength and dexterity in their hands and fingers before being asked to manipulate a pencil on paper. Working on dexterity and strength first can eliminate the development of an inappropriate pencil grasp, which is becoming more commonplace as young children are engaged in writing experiences before their hands are ready. The following activities involve the use of manipulatives which will support young children's fine motor development, and will help to build the strength and dexterity necessary to hold a pencil appropriately.

Fluffy stuff. 1 box cornstarch. 1 can shaving cream. Food coloring. Powdery but moldable. Sensory play and fine motor skills.